I don't think the photo does it justice, it is lovely, honestly, although I have to admit my friend did say "£12 for THAT?" when I showed it to her. Each to their own, I say. The funniest thing was the lady who sold it to me (not Ms Zoob herself I presume) said "Oh, they're just fabulous, you can have 1 for each member of the family and just take them off the wall and carry them up to the study to sort out your paperwork". I wanted to say "Lady, I can't afford four, and by the way what's a study? - we just have a kitchen table"
Jack had a great time for about an hour, then he was ready to go, just as we were getting into the swing of things. So, I placated him with his very own...........fly swatter, he was thrilled although he did seem slightly too keen to whack me on the bum with it.
We had a great weekend with grandparents, the sun shone and all was well. Kitty helped her beloved "Poppy" plant his runner beans........
and I dug up a few of his plants to kill in my garden.
We spent Saturday at Churchtown near Southport (home of Louise Loves) which has beautiful botanic gardens. The children love the trains and boat rides there. We then went off to the beach at nearby Ainsdale to have ice-creams and play in the sand. Of course, virgin blogger as I am I didn't take the camera so alas, no photos.
Came back to, joy of joys - more books, namely the "Crafters Companion" recommended on so many blogs, and a couple of embrioidery ones - pictures to follow.