I'm not a naturally tidy person, my house and life is haphazard, disorganised, cluttered and untidy. No more. I'm to become a domestic goddess extraordinaire. In order to fulfil this role I had to buy a new piece of enamelware, I know it's a shoe cleaning one but it was cheap and it does the job. I have visions of myself floating about the house with my dusters, polish and rubber gloves, people marvelling at my gleaming taps, dust free mantelpiece and polished floorboards. Hah, who am I kidding, all I've managed so far is to tidy the tea towel drawer. Can't fit the rest in between coffee drinking, cake munching and blogging. Only don't tell, or I might have to get a job - Ian is showing a worrying interest in the positions vacant board at Sanisbury's, and it's not because he's always wanted to operate a checkout!
Yeah, I always reckoned the house was going to be much tidier once my two were both in school! Ha - no evidence of it yet.
I hope one day to be organised, I use the kids as an excuse but one day I will have to own up.
I love your tea towels, they are so pretty.
Racheal x
Dear Julia,
I've just been catching up on your posts, awww honey the she's gone one put a lump in my throat, bless you. I wish I lived closer, you could come round and have coffee and cake in my kitchen and we could pick one another up from the feeling of losing our little ones to the big wide world :(
Molly's off for the first time at pre-school tomorrow and Daisy owht her on Wednesday and I don't think I've ever been more scared.
Chin up though my Mum would tell me, think of all the crafting time you'll get lol
Thanks tickets,( you know the ones I mean, you've very kind.
I love your smeg fridge, and wanted one for our home but was so put off by all the horror stories about them, it's lovely to hear you've had yours so long, don't send it to fridge heaven, just buy a mini smeg to sit beside it lol
Many hugs sweetie,
Catherine x
What a pretty display of teatowels....good start...but you don't want to peak too soon.....
the housemaids box is very sweet...and having that about shows willing.....:>))))xxx
Hi Julia, well at least you have tried...and the new enamel box is just what you needed. I am the most unorganised person when it comes to housework, I just flit from one job to another. Nothing ever seems to get finished. If I spent as much time dusting and scrubbing as I do Blogging - my house would be so very clean. The best bit is, I do think that is ok until I put my glasses on...eeeek
Carol xx
hi julia, loved your post brought back all the same pledges that i made myself when my youngest started school in fact the house just got messier as I used the time to start allsorts of projects and before i knew it is was time to collect the kids! Now the new baby is on the way at least I'll have that excuse for the bedlam again!!!
NO dont do it! dont even think about it.. stay at home until they leave school! In my experience employers just dont get it when you say your children are ill..mine had chicken pox one after the other and then I got the flu..proper flu,so was off work for 3 weeks in total..my boss went mad and was phoning me every day just to see when i would be back,never mind that I was at deaths door! then the trains were delayed and I would miss picking them up from school..and i wont even go into high school and being called home from work 30 miles away to collect them..the school should have had a direct line to my studio at work..it was a nightmare..which is why I pull up weeds and mow lawns for a living..its on my own terms!..nice t-towels by the way..
S x (who is late for work and still in her pyjamas blogging surrounded by a very untidy house!)
When my youngest went to school this time last year I thought I'd have time to clean and tidy the house......somehow the hours just slip away and it soon time to pick them up again -something to do with bogging, sewing and knitting I think!
You can't go back to work, there is the Boden sale to do at the town hall in cheltenahm and a lot more coffe to be drunk. You have just had one of the toughest jobs, being home with children now is time to recover. Thats my plan but I still have 2 years yet!
This is my youngests thrid year at school and I still haven't got the house sorted! I will this year...honest!
Even if you don't magically turn into a domestic goddess, it's a good excuse to buy some of those pretty cloths by suzy smith!
I think Ian might have seen the new sainsbury's ad, have you seen it? it's a mum who has got a part-time job in sainsburys after her children have gone back to school.
Love the tea towel collection, how do you keep them looking so nice? I never use my green gate or CK ones, as I'm petrified Danny will use them to pull out greasy roasting tins out of the oven, like he's done with the others.
Don't overdo teh housework. Make sure you get some 'me' time!
Haha all this made me chuckle :-) love the tea towels and your organised drawer - your already one step ahead of me (but its on my list ) do you feel ever so slightly guilty about not being at work when kids at school :-S i do a bit but soon get over it LOL
Lesley x
I remember saying exactly the same thing when my two went to school!!!!! Enjoy the tidy tea towels. I think I am far too disorganised to stick to a routine
Al I can say really is "dream on"! If you a naturally untidy and disorganised the you'll probably stay that way! There are far too many other fun things to do to spend too much time thinking about cleaning!!!!!
a few ppl have said that.....
The one a really fancy was the ottomen rose one...green with the red roses on...i have the cushions but on the blue background...i'm a sucker for the rose prints!
They do cheer the shopping up!
thanks for visit and comment :-) i know what you mean about it being my treat !! I feel like ive earned some me time now they are both at school and patting myself on the back for a job well done (so far that is!) i bought new tea towels from sainsburys earlier because of your post !
Lesley x
LOL Julia, I am going through EXACTLY the same thing, I stripped and cleaned my oven yesterday, got mean and nasty and dirty with the bloody disgusting thing and the fridge is next. LOVE your teatowels all laid out and the enamel ware (next on my to-buy list) and we have the same SS cloths too.
glad you're getting so much housework done and not drinking coffee or eating waffles, etc.....am sure the house will be spick and span is no time!
Good to see you today, am sorting out crochet teacher extraordinaire!!x
Well, if we have all the pretty tools of the trade at least the cleaning cupboard looks nice even if we don't actually use them!At least it shows we are *thinking* of cleaning.....
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